Comprehensive maintenance of apartment buildings
street Rainbow 38
Contact numbers of the information service:
(0512) 71-62-96 ; (095) 780-64-44
Вітання з новим 2025 роком!
Якщо мешканці будинку не визначились з формою управління і не створили ОСББ, то управителя вибирає орган місцевого самоврядування за підсумками конкурсу керуючих.
Система опалення багатоквартирного будинку - це обладнання, яке обігріває приміщення з метою підтримки оптимальної температури - яка буде комфортною для мешканців будинку. Компанія ТОВ УК «Корабельний» надає для власників квартир широкий спектр послуг, пов'язаних з монтажем та ремонтом опалювальної системи.
Вітання з новим 2025 роком!
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Ltd "Korabelniy"
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This time, residents of high-rise buildings have suffered en masse as a result of the conflict between the management company Korabelny and Centerlift LLC: at the moment, most elevators in high-rise buildings have been stopped, and the number of outages continues to increase rapidly.
In Nikolaev for a month the sewerage fills a cellar of the 5th floor - "City for people" doesn't work ...
Basement of a five-storey building at the address: Theatrical, 35A in Nikolaev since July fills with the sewerage, the managing company "City for people" for a month didn't manage to solve a problem.
The Council postponed the reform of housing and communal services in Ukraine until next year.
10:06, 9 06 2018
The entry into force of the Law on Housing Services will be postponed until May 1, 2019. Also, until August 1, 2020, the entry into force of the rule on the application of financial sanctions to business entities for violation of the deadlines for the installation of heat and water meters.
In Nikolaev inhabitants of condominiums refused central heating
17:45, 27 03
Residents of a 5-storey building on the street. Levanevtsev, 25/1 formed condominiums completely disconnected from district heating.
While the house was used for military housing, the building was maintained in good condition. And for more than 30 years there are no funds for major repairs.
In Nikolaev more than 100 heads of condominiums gathered at a forum of energy efficiency for an exchange of experience with other regions
28 09 2018
On Friday, September 28, in the Nikolaev business center «Alexandrovsky» the forum «Energy efficiency in housing stock started. Best Practices of the Regions ”, which aims to share experience, knowledge and effective tools for implementing energy efficiency programs in housing